Kitulo hosts more than 350 species of vascular plants,including 45 varieties of terrestrial orchids,which erupt into a riotous wildflower display of breathtaking scale and diversity. Kitulo is a rare botanical marvel.

Park highlights 
-Remote,unspoiled wilderness,Wildflowers as far as the eye can see,Hikers paradise,Rare resident bird species.  Kitulo has recently become a  fully protected national park,is situated on the Kitulo plateau,which forms part of Tanzania's southern highlands.  It is situated in the remote southwest corner of Tanzania on the Zambia border.  The area which is known locally as 'Bustani ya Mungu'(The Garden of God),is also known as the Serengeti of flowers.  As it is such a remote destination it is hardly visited.  But yet the park's importance is unprecedented as the area is a rare botanical marvel.  Between December and April Kitulo hosts one of the great floral spectacles of the world

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Henry Lameck

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